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Connect Your Content with is ground-breaking communication technology that will connect your brand and message with audiences across multiple digital platforms. Imagine a streamlined experience that allows you to easily push content and notifications to your Website, mobile apps, social media, E-mail subscribers and text message subscribers– all in one simple action.

Empower Non-Technical Staff makes it easy for non-technical staff to update their Website, while simultaneously pushing key information to social media, text subscribers, E-mail subscribers and…their brand-new smartphone app! empowers non-technical staff and saves valuable time by streamlining communications with various online audiences. is the Heart of Your Online Communication

Successfully communicating with your audience is difficult with so many online platforms available. With, your audience is instantly alerted to your important alerts, news and events on multiple platforms– making it easy to reach more of your audience.

In one action, non-technical staff can do a real-time push to send your Website content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, text message subscribers, E-mail subscribers and those with your brand-new app!

To put it simply, is a solution that allows you to reach more of your audience while spending less time doing so.

More Web Management Capabilities

Naturally, is perfect for managing news, alerts, and events, but those are just a piece of the overall capability. Your team of non-technical staff can EASILY maintain your complete, custom-branded Web site, with abilities to quickly manage your home page, navigation menu, pages, documents, staff, jobs, links, fillable forms, photos, and so much more.

The App

Your app is custom-branded and loaded with useful and time-sensitive content like alerts, news, events, contacts, locations, videos, a document center, and more. In many ways, it is your perfect communication utility.

What’s also helpful are custom app groups. When users first launch the app, they can select what categories of your content they want subscribe to and receive alerts for. This makes the app and its notifications more meaningful to users– especially if you have widely varying audiences.

The app is the perfect complement to your Website, and if you’ve always wanted your own app, this is your chance to have an app that your audiences may actually thank you for. Recap

  • A great new Website
  • A great new app
  • One action to publish to site, app, social, text, and E-mail
  • Streamlined communication
  • Complete communication
  • Easily managed by non-technical staff
  • Custom-branded
  • Built and supported in WV

Questions or Ready?

If you have questions about or are ready to get started, let’s talk.

Contact us today!