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Web & App Content Controls

What is Content-management?

Content-management? Sound complicated– right? Content-management is the ability for you or your staff to log into your Website, and add, edit or delete Web pages, photos, news, calendar events or whatever particular items you want to feature on your Website! Still sound complicated? Well, we at are very proud to say that we make content-management an easy, hassle-free experience. Our goal is to keep these Website tasks very simple. There’s no need to know any programming whatsoever. In fact, if you can use a simple Web contact form, you’ll be able to keep your Website up-to-date with fresh information, photos and more!

With, your authorized users can maintain a fresh Website while still maintaining their usual duties. Web & App Content Controls Features

Winking Smile EmojiJust a friendly note from the team: There are quite a bit of features, but don't let that intimidate you! is VERY easy to use and intentionally built for non-technical staff to manage.

  • Powerful content tools with a simple, human-friendly user interface
  • Proven successful for non-technical staff users and tech savvy staff users
  • Fully integrated with your 100% custom Website design
  • Manage content in real-time from your Internet browser
  • Simple to use with no knowledge of coding required
  • Build and manage your Website’s main navigation with the easy-to-use menu-builder tool
  • Manage branded, visual home page and subpage slideshow photo banners to call immediate attention to your brand and message
  • Manage branded subpage slideshow photo banners to keep your site lively and engaging from page-to-page
  • Manage, update and easily reorder home page content blocks to keep your home page fresh
  • Manage unlimited alert messages and call attention to urgent information by featuring an active alert message
  • Manage unlimited Website content pages with ease
  • Make pages live or work on them privately with easy publishing options
  • Easy content editor style makes editing Web pages seem familiar to non-technical staff
  • Easily place photos, links, proactive buttons, videos and more in your Web pages
  • Manage meta data keywords, descriptions and tracking codes for specific Web pages
  • Create profiles for staff members and easily display staff profiles on specific Web pages
  • Manage Website content files, such as PDF, Word, or Excel files
  • Document center component allows for admins to more easily manage large volumes of electronic files.
  • Document center allows admins to easily categorize and sub-categorize electronic files
  • Document center allows users to easily browse through folders, subfolders and files to quickly find files in a user-friendly and well-organized manner
  • Easily manage the order of Web pages, files and forms with drag-and-drop
  • Manage multiple sidebar promotions and easily add sidebar promotions to display on specific or all Web pages
  • Manage news articles and announcements with visual lead photos
  • Mark important news articles as “featured” to call more attention to them
  • Home page news automatically displays the latest articles to keep the site fresh
  • Manage and easily build Web-fillable forms to collect data and interact with your audience
  • Web-form builder is intuitive with time-saving shortcuts
  • Web form builder is flexible to handle a multitude of data collection purposes
  • Web form data is stored online and automatically E-mailed to your staff
  • Easily export data collected from Web forms as Excel sheets
  • Manage unlimited calendar events with visual lead photos
  • Save time by creating a series of events for unlimited dates
  • Home page events automatically displays upcoming events to keep the site fresh
  • Mange blog posts with the ability to approve/manage comments and replies
  • Manage visual showcase, including multiple showcase item photos and easily navigated visual showcase categories
  • Manage partners or affiliate logos to display in your Website footer
  • Manage Website users of varying access privileges
  • New Website users automatically receive their login link and credentials to save your staff coordination time
  • Allow staff users to manage pages, events and more with the ability for administrators to approve the content before making it live
  • Easily grant specific lower-level users the access to manage specific pages
  • Manage Website photos and photo galleries
  • Easily manage the order of album photos with drag-and-drop
  • Easily embed videos from YouTube or other sources
  • Easy-to-use online Web form builder for visitor inquiries and data gathering
  • Easily push news, alerts and events to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Easily create and manage online directory of people
  • Easily create and manage online listings of locations
  • Easily create and manage app user “groups”
  • Easily assign news and events to all or selected app user groups
  • Easily send iOS and Android app notifications for news, alerts and events