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 Banner Image is Proudly Built and Supported by Real People in West Virginia

Built in WV Logo is a uniquely developed by TSG, an innovative I.T. and Web/App service provider with over 36 years in business. Over our history, TSG has been driving technology and connecting clients with solutions throughout West Virginia, Pennsylvania , Ohio and across  the United States.

Why should this matter to you?

  • If you are a West Virgininia-based organization, you can proudly say that you are doing business with a fellow WV-based company and keeping money in our amazing state.
  • If you are not a West Virginia-based organization, you can feel confidence and comfort in knowing that you will be working with a full team of smart, dedicated and very pleasant individuals who you call and talk to you on any goal, topic or issue you may have. You can even stop into our office to get to know us better if you are in the Wheeling, WV area!

Meet the Team

Mike Bizanovich Mike Bizanovich
Founder & CEO
Wes Ebeling Wes Ebeling
Director Web/App Services
Ashlee Irwin Ashlee Irwin
Phil Bischof Phil Bischof
Director of Development
Brandi Hollingshead Brandi Hollingshead
Senior Web Designer/Front End Developer
Nick Holden Nick Holden
Web Developer
Myron Jones Myron Jones
Web /App Developer
Meg Bumgardner Meg Bumgardner
Graphic Designer
Isaac Holden Isaac Holden
Web/App Developer
Sarah Bizanovich Sarah Bizanovich
Director, Creative Production Services
Katie Bizanovich Katie Bizanovich
Lead Photographer