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E-mail & Text Messaging allows you to easily maintain contact with your audience with its E-mail and text messaging features. You can create your own private lists while Web visitors can subscribe to public lists on your Website. In addition to sending out specific messages, allows you to easily blast news, alerts or events to your audience via branded E-mails and short text messages with one click. E-mail and Text Blast Features

  • Easily create and manage public and private contact groups
  • Easily create and send branded E-mail messages to select groups
  • Easily create and send simple text messages to select groups
  • Easily import E-mail and text subscribers from Excel
  • Easily distinguish subscribed and unsubscribed contacts
  • Easily edit individual subscriber information
  • Easily edit individual subscription settings
  • All messages sent separately to individuals in selected groups
  • No group messaging confusion
  • No E-mails or phone numbers seen by other subscribers