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Welcome City of Moundsville to!

Posted 04/16/20

Photo for Welcome City of Moundsville to!

The new City of Moundsville Website is now LIVE!  Click the button below to see the new site and be sure to download the app to stay up to date with events, emergencies, weather issues, and more! 

"The City of Moundsville’s website was stale and was in much need of updating. I saw other sites that were designed by TSG, and was impressed. After inquiry, I learned of the TSG SmartSite features, and quickly realized the potential savings that could be realized by handling any and all changes on our own. After contracting with TSG, the process was simple, with the staff coming up with a fantastic design after learning what WE wanted. The site and accompanying app are now launched, and we couldn’t be happier. I would strongly encourage anyone looking for a fresh, professional website, to contact TSG!" -Rick Healy, City Manager

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